Health, Reincarnation and Karma

Health and the Karma of Selfish vs. Unselfish Behavio(u)r

No true medicine and healing endeavor(u)r of the 21st century can exclude the reality of karma and reincarnation from its theory and practice. More people are open to consider the truth of this statement in our day because of the serious challenges posed by the deterioration of the health of individuals, society and the natural world. Anyone who is alert is aware that old solutions, based on a materialistic worldview, are woefully inadequate to meet the needs of our time.

We create our future, near and distant, with our thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. The quality of our life of thought, feeling and will has ramifications that extend beyond us into the shared reality of human society. It also significantly impacts the health and well-being of the natural world. This truth has been taught by spiritual masters in all traditions over millennia to their students.

<<Man sees himself as an individual standing apart from the whole, solely concerned with his own welfare, and at best, with the well-being of his own family, community and nation. This attitude leads to the destruction of the planet.

When will Man realise that the whole planet is his home and all people are family? Eventually Man must awaken. He will stop living in illusion and see reality: a reality only visible to the eyes of the soul.

Each man is responsible for his joys and sorrows; the paradise or hell he lives in. No one can escape the consequences of his behaviour, good or bad. The time comes for everyone to face the results of his actions toward others and toward life itself.>>

Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis via Panayiota Theotoki-Atteshli, “Gates to the Light”

(Note: This work dates from the 1990s. If the use of the male pronoun above bothers you, feel free to substitute humankind for man in the general and person for man in the specific use.)

Each of us has power, the power to heal or harm through the conscious use of our faculties of thought, feeling and will. We can cleanse and purify all aspects of our individual and collective lives as well as create the right conditions for a healthier, happier future. Or we can continue to generate increasingly toxic conditions in the mental, psychic, energetic and material dimensions. The choice is ours.

Karma and reincarnation are central to the Heilpraxis Contrada’s work with patients, clients and students.

May you be blessed with true wisdom and reliable practical knowledge,

Joseph Michael Contrada

Copyright ©2019 Heilpraxis Contrada, Joseph Michael Contrada (Owner). All rights reserved.