Our future depends on us becoming better informed and more committed to the health and well-being of ourselves, Humanity and the Earth. At the moment it is as if we are in a race against time.
Category: Uncategorized
Patient Compliance: What a Loaded Term
Morality matters. Ethical scientific and medical behavio(u)r matters. Institutionalis/zed greed and dishonesty -- cultural, economic and political -- have contributed to the breakdown of healthy social relations and betray the best interests of everyone in the long run. We clearly need a combination of knowledgeable and compassionate leadership and an awake, aware and engaged public to conceive, develop and implement solutions that will lead to a healthier, happier future.
Gesundheit, Reinkarnation und Karma
Keine echte Medizin und kein tief greifendes Heilen des 21. Jahrhunderts kann die Realität von Karma und Reinkarnation von ihrer Theorie und Praxis ausschließen. Mehr Menschen sind bereit, die Wahrheit dieser Aussage in unserer Zeit zu berücksichtigen, da die Verschlechterung der Gesundheit des Einzelnen, der Gesellschaft und der natürlichen Welt eine große Herausforderung darstellt. Jeder, … Continue reading Gesundheit, Reinkarnation und Karma
Health, Reincarnation and Karma
Each of us has power, the power to heal or harm through the conscientious use of our faculties of thought, feeling and will. We can cleanse and purify all aspects of our individual and collective lives as well as create the right conditions for a healthier, happier future. Or we can continue to generate worsening toxic conditions in the mental, psychic, energetic and material dimensions. The choice is ours.
Some Thoughts on Prenatal Education
The parents’ (particularly the mother’s) spiritual, psychological and physical diet -- prayer and meditation practices; habits of thought; emotional states; the quality of reading material and media choices; intake of clean air, water and nutritious food; and a healthy daily rhythm of rest and activity -- are the most important factors contributing to the positive growth and development of the child in utero.
Ayurveda, A Cornerstone of Our Offerings
<<Ayurveda is a healing gift to us from the ancient enlightened Vedic culture. According to astronomical records in ancient Vedic texts, the Vedic system, including Ayurveda, was in practice before 4000 BC…. Ayurveda has gone through several stages of development in its long history. It spread East along with Indian culture into Indonesia and … Continue reading Ayurveda, A Cornerstone of Our Offerings
Health Benefits of Brahmi (Bacopa & Gotu Kola)
Introduction The medicinal herb Brahmi has been used for at least 3,000 years in Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine, and is becoming increasingly popular in the West. It can have impressive positive effects for the consciousness, mind, and body. Brahmi is a Sanskrit word derived from Lord Brahma or Brahman. Lord Brahma is the god of … Continue reading Health Benefits of Brahmi (Bacopa & Gotu Kola)
A Call to Spiritual Mentors, Healers, and Social and Environmental Activists
"None of the great human achievements have ever come from the heads of those who deem themselves practical people. Practical people have no definite opinion about what constitutes true progress for humanity. "Only when people have roused themselves to an appreciation of the great factors that stir civilization, that proceed out of the spirit and … Continue reading A Call to Spiritual Mentors, Healers, and Social and Environmental Activists
Your Health and the Fossil Fuel and Plastics Industries
In “Plastics: We Know They Are Dangerous”, Dr. Mercola looks at the negative impact plastic products are having on human health in biochemical terms. In energetic terms, without a healthy biosphere we are unable to take in sufficient amounts of life-sustaining prana/qi (chi)/ki of sufficiently good quality. This bio-energetic reality has been known theoretically and experientially for thousands of years – in Indian Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western Hermeticism, and among shaman-doctors in indigenous cultures.
Considerations for the Reader: What I Cannot or Will Not Do in This Blog
In this blog I will not... make blanket statements about Western medicine’s vaccine recommendations and cancer treatment protocols. I am not an M.D., however I am a knowledgeable, German licensed complementary and alternative health practitioner with 30 years of medical and healing studies and clinical experience. I will share my point of view, if asked, … Continue reading Considerations for the Reader: What I Cannot or Will Not Do in This Blog