“The nutritional, lifestyle and spiritual practice decisions each person makes on a daily basis, as well as their healthcare choices, either promote or hinder their growth and development as healthy, happy human beings.”
— Joseph Michael Contrada
It is crucial to our survival and our quality of life for people today to deeply ponder fundamental questions about the individual, society and the natural world. That is, unless we want to continue to allow powerful individuals, institutions and artificial intelligence systems to rob us of the divine rights of individual sovereignty and social solidarity. In so many aspects of our shared lives, we have let wrong priorities set the agenda for decades. The increasingly devastating consequences of this are everywhere to be seen.
The Heilpraxis Contrada promotes a healing and medicine that draws upon the scientific wisdom, natural and alchemical medicines, and forms of diagnosis and treatment of traditional medical systems, some hundreds and some thousands of years old. At the same time, we embrace modern spiritual and natural scientific research that originates from reliable sources that demonstrate a dedication to truth, a dedication to truth that cannot co-exist with the relentless pursuit of wealth, power, and social prestige by any means, no matter how immoral.
You will find that modern industrial farming, with its heavy reliance on genetically modified organisms, synthetic fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, produces unhealthy food and destroys the natural environment. In like manner, modern industrial allopathic medicine, with its heavy reliance on synthetically-produced pharmaceuticals and vaccinations with genetically modified organisms, introduces foreign substances into the human body that have sometimes grave and sometimes fatal secondary effects, while destroying natural immunity.
<<The notions of health security and health sovereignty are analogous to the discussion of food security and food sovereignty. Unlike food security, which suggests access to food to meet minimum nutritional needs, food sovereignty encompasses the right and ability of individuals and groups to choose their own food based on the socio-cultural and ecological systems they inhabit….
The idea of health sovereignty includes the ability to choose medicines that are socio-culturally and ecologically appropriate, thereby providing practical, reliable, and contextually-relevant health care options. Denial of self-determination over food and medicine is a repudiation of fundamental rights of autonomy as guaranteed by Article 24 Section 1 of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.>>
In the video “What We Can Learn from Cancer Cells”, Dr. John Douillard, D.C. and Ayurvedic practitioner, interviews Dr. Zach Bush, M.D., one of the few triple board-certified physicians in the U.S. In recent years, Dr. Bush has built a well-founded public reputation as a deep thinker and engaging speaker on questions of individual health and social responsibility.
Early on Dr. Bush states that, alongside modern allopathic medicine, the medical systems of most countries worldwide have maintained their links [JMC: sometimes tenuous, however] with traditional medicines, such as Traditional European Medicine, Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr. Bush then adds: “the United States is this white, glaring, obvious, step off the cliff of traditional medicine right into pure pharmaceutical allopathic medicine. And, of course, it wasn’t always like that. I’d say the big drop-off happened in the 1970s.”
<<There is something invisible about the nature of health and the invisibility is coming out of the biophysics, not the cellular environment. And the biophysics, of course, defines 99.999% of the cell, because 99.999% of every atom is vacuum space, and so the 0.001% of the atom that is solid will go on to manifest a vibrational coordination that will give the appearance of solidity….
Everything is vacuum space with the organization of energy creating the perception of solidity. Thus, that solid nature we have come to believe in in Western medicine is very much responsible for our complete disconnect from the reality of healing.>>
— Dr. Zach Bush
Please realize there is so much more to the human being and to the living environment that seemingly escapes the cognitive and perceptive powers of all leading experts in the natural scientific and medical fields. Therefore, prevailing diagnostic and therapeutic tools, based on a materialistic worldview, are primitive in comparison with what could become possible and lead to true healing and deep transformation of the human individual.
“Humility in the face of the great mysteries of existence is always called for and this quality is a prerequisite for entering the realms of deeper and broader understanding.”
— Joseph Michael Contrada
In spite of what many would have you believe — powerful, prominent individuals, hedge fund and corporate lobbyists, governmental institutions, and ‘charitable’ foundations, not everything outside the belief system and research methods of contemporary natural science and allopathic medicine is quackery. Nor are all people sociopaths – whether condescendingly branded as ‘conspiracy theorists’ or ‘anti-vaxxers’ or ‘radicals of every shade’ — who dare to question fundamental tenets of the prevailing belief system or to shed light on misinformation and disinformation being disseminated to maintain the status quo.
Today’s status quo largely serves the selfish interests of a few score oligarchs while heartlessly and mindlessly destroying human health and the biosphere. With deepened understanding about health and healing, with the will to cleanse our societies of reactionary thinking, speech and actions, it is possible for us to advance towards greater physical, psychological and spiritual health.
Armed with a clear head, a reliable knowledge base, a strong sense of community and calm determination, we have the ability to constructively engage with the complex problems that demand urgent solution in our individual, familial, societal and planetary lives.
As someone who cares about the near and distant future, about the fates of yourself, your loved ones, humanity and the lives making up the natural world, are you ready to side with those today who are taking a principled, practical stand against economic exploitation and political oppression in food and medical matters?
Once you are resolved to do so within yourself, opportunities to make a difference — large and small — will present themselves in the natural course of events.
Warm regards to people of good will throughout the world,
Joseph Michael Contrada
Heilpraktiker (Lic. German Medical and Psychotherapy Provider)
Medical Philosopher and Journalist