Heilpraxis Contrada | Healing Arts Contrada

Homeopathic Medicine for Colds & Flu


A strong energetic defense (wei qi/chi), organic nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle are your best protection against colds and flu. Further, different herbal and alchemical medicines can be successfully used for prevention and treatment. This is based on people’s experience over decades, centuries, and millennia, what some people term ‘experiential medicine’.

You might remember me discussing how natural medicines and therapies — arising out of a worldview, mode of preparation and prescription different from the conventional Western medical system — are receiving rough treatment on Wikipedia. I suspect that scientists and doctors in a financial relationship with the global pharmaceutical industry might well be behind it.

Take, for example, Wikipedia’s unprofessional entry for oscillococcinum, a widely-used homeopathic medicine produced by a French company, which is also popular in North America:

“a homeopathic preparation marketed to relieve influenza-like symptoms. It does not provide any benefit beyond that of sugar pills. It is a popular preparation, particularly in France. It is manufactured by Boiron, its sole manufacturer. Oscillococcinum is used in more than 50 countries and has been in production for over 65 years.”

Note the statement “does not provide any benefit beyond that of sugar pills” while, in the same paragraph, mention is made of it having been in use for over 65 years and in more than 50 countries. Have the prescribers and patients been delusional over 65 years in 50 countries?

Below is the video of a Boiron advertisement for oscillococcinum. The presenter, an M.D., receives payment for his endorsement of its use based on a conventional Western medical perspective, quite similar to doctors who are paid to endorse pharmaceutical products. Hear what he has to say and see whether this homeopathic medicine might not help you navigate through the cold and flu season. There are better reasons for using homeopathic medicines but many modern, well-educated people would have to be given an introductory crash course in order to understand them.


I am taking oscillococcinum as an example to show:

Many people are quite satisfied with the helpful medicinal effects of oscillococcinum. There are other homeopathic remedies that address cold and flu symptoms, but I would only suggest these as a part of an individualized consultation.

May you be empowered by sound advice in your health and lifestyle choices,

Joseph Michael Contrada






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