OMEGA-3 Supplements, a 30 Billion US$ Business


Cochrane – “Trusted evidence. Informed decisions. Better health.” — is a non-profit, non-governmental organization headquartered in London that studies medical research. Last week they released a meta-analysis in which they compared 79 trials with 112,059 participants and concluded that taking Omega-3 supplements resulted in “little or no difference to risk of cardiovascular events, coronary heart deaths, coronary heart disease events, stroke or heart irregularities”.[i]

It is unfortunate that I am obliged to advise German patients, international clients, and students to be so very careful about what health information they accept as valid.

There are too many scientists and health professionals who are beholden to large corporations that dominate the mainstream and alternative/complementary health care industries. They generate studies supportive of whatever latest products or services the industries want the public to buy. We have witnessed decades of re-evaluation after re-evaluation of key studies in which the data and its interpretation have changed over the course of time. This is often driven more by the profit motive than by unfolding scientific understanding that sheds new light on a medical question.

There is great pressure to produce ‘scientific’ evidence that supports what the corporations funding the research are looking for. Those who successfully procure funding for research attain a higher professional standing which, in turn, leads to a larger income, a higher socio-economic status, and a more comfortable life. Thus, there are tempting incentives to engage in data manipulation and intellectual dishonesty. Unfortunately, wrong conclusions can lead to tragic consequences if they are allowed to stand and subsequently form the basis for erroneous medical knowledge.

The Responsibility to Do Good

In “Honesty and Truthfulness in Science”, Dr. Tim Reilley emphasizes the importance of moving beyond simply avoiding immoral behavior. He encourages scientists to embrace positive ethics in their research:

“Discussions in science ethics tend to focus more on dishonesty than on a positive description of honesty. In hour-long conversations with scientists about what makes for good science and the qualities of a good scientist, data fabrication has been called, ‘the cardinal sin of science’. Still, this approach focuses scientists on negative morality, the lowest common denominator—not intentionally harming others.”

Dr. Reilly continues:

“What’s wrong with an emphasis on avoiding negative behavior? They ignore any responsibility to do good. Wouldn’t it be more satisfying to say being honest is a disposition of scientists, something that scientists seek to live out, rather than only avoiding dishonesty? Then honesty would be considered a central feature of scientific character rather than simply a descriptor of scientific behavior that is not intentionally dishonest.”[ii]

Finally, even when evidence produced by current natural scientific research is valid, it only accounts for a portion of the whole medicinal profile of a food or herbal medicine. The energetic and spiritual dimensions of foods and herbs are also factors in evaluating their appropriateness for preventive or curative purposes. Further, medicines are selected for treatment based on a person’s constitution and individual makeup within that rubric. These factors, sometimes referred to as bio-energetic, are taken into consideration in Ayurveda, Chinese Energetic Medicine, and Western Alchemical Medicine (Spagyrics, Homeopathy, Anthroposophic Medicine).

I am grateful to have spent decades developing my intuitive abilities, studying many medical systems and healing modalities, and gathering clinical experience. It has given me a broad, multidimensional view and a solid knowledge base from which to sniff out misinformation and disinformation and provide those who seek my assistance an informed professional point of view.

May you experience radiant health, abundant vitality, and joy in living a meaningful life,

Joseph Michael Contrada

Heilpraktiker (Lic. German Complementary and Alternative Medicine Provider) specializing in Traditional European Medicine (Spagyric, Homeopathic, and Anthroposophic), Ayurveda, and Chinese Energetic Medicine

Spiritual and Energy Healer specializing in Western Esoteric Healing, Yogic Pranic Healing, Qi Gong Healing, Japanese Reiki, and Usui/Holy Fire Karuna Reiki

Qi Gong Instructor, Usui Reiki Ryoho and Usui/Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki Master and Teacher

Tel./Text U.S. (01) 914.410.1877 or


[i] Paul Greenberg, “Fool’s gold: what fish oil is doing to our health and the planet”, The Guardian, 25 July 2018.

[ii] Dr. Tim Reilly, “Honesty and Truthfulness in Science”, Psychology Today, 22 June 2018.