Heilpraxis Contrada | Healing Arts Contrada

Peace on Earth. Goodwill to All.

Temple of Peace
“Temple of Peace” Baron Arild Rosenkrantz (1870-1964)

Keep Calm and Carry On

The energetic anatomy and physiology of the whole human being is presented from different perspectives in Eastern and Western teachings. Common to all is the recognition that the physical body is but the outer manifestation of inner aspects of the human individuality.

In his lecture “The Work of the Angels in Man’s Astral Body” (Zurich, 9 October 1918), Rudolf Steiner stated:

“Those who believe that man is merely the apparatus of bones, blood, flesh and so forth, of which natural science, physiology, biology and anatomy speak, have no understanding of his nature.”

The psychic body, the body of emotions, also known as the astral body in theosophical and anthroposophical teachings, is currently in great agitation.

The psychic body of humanity includes the psychic bodies of human individuals throughout the world. When there is so much psychological and physical pain and suffering in the world, this psychic body becomes a stormy, churning sea and can have an unhealthy effect on everyone. The seas grow rougher and rougher, driven by the roaring winds of fear, doubt, and anger aroused by looming personal and collective uncertainties.

We can each contribute to the stilling of the waters by making a conscious effort to remain calm and not allow ourselves to become chronically depressed,  enraged, or hyper-busy in an effort to keep our mind off the state of things.

Pray and Meditate for Peace and Harmony

There is something more we can do. There is a simple, potent practice that was originated by Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis (“Daskalos”) and shared in his work, The Esoteric Practice: Christian Meditations and Exercises (1994).

Please consider joining in at 9 p.m. in your time zone.

Over time, you will experience increasing inner peace. You will radiate this quality into your social circle. And through your participation you will be contributing towards creating world peace.

Communal Prayer for Peace

Love all God’s Creation. The whole world and every grain of sand.

Love every leaf and every ray of God’s light.

Love everything. But remember that you must face

The mystery of God in everything you love.

 — Feodor Dostoevsky


The power of prayer to heal is now gaining much attention. Scientists and doctors are beginning to recognize that focused love and care for others is a powerful remedy in the healing process.

Of related significance has been the recent recognition of communal prayer in affecting positive change over a given population. Tests have proven that if one percent of a population collect in unison prayer, a sharp change in behavior can be scientifically measured within that population. Such is the power of thought, such is the strength of love.

There is too much pain, sorrow and strife in the world. Many want to contribute to the amelioration of the wounds of humanity, yet feel helpless. Across the globe there is a network of Researchers who synchronize their prayers for world peace and harmony. You are welcome to join this community.

The Practice

Each day at 9:00 p.m. sit and clear your mind of all thoughts, and fill your heart with unconditional love.

If you are a Christian first recite the Lord’s prayer, or, should you belong to another faith, recite your own prayers.

Envision peace flourishing in the hearts of every man, woman and child in every part of the globe. Sit in peace for a few minutes and then, either internally or aloud, recite this short prayer:

Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All.

Thy Will Be Done, on Earth As It Is in Heaven.

There are many time zones and each of us will pray at a particular hour – at 9:00 p.m. local time.

It is invaluable to continuously fill this holy and blessed element of love and peace with etheric vitality [known as prana, qi/chi, ki in Eastern teachings] from all corners of the globe, for all corners of the globe.

Source of the Communal Prayer for Peace: Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis, The Esoteric Practice: Christian Meditations and Exercises (1994).

Receive our love and blessings,

Joseph Michael Contrada

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