The Heilpraxis Contrada | Praxis für Merkur-Raphael Medizin advocates Freedom and Love, the rights of the individual and social responsibility.
We have adopted plain speaking as a policy decision. In our view, there is no time left to spare people the dedicated work involved in honestly thinking complex things through, and speaking and acting responsibly. And we are already experiencing censorship in the search engines and social media platforms anyway, so why hold back in speaking the truths we know and experience.
The Heilpraxis Contrada | Praxis für Merkur-Raphael Medizin practices medicine and healing and eschews nebulous wellness.
No more diluting hard-to-swallow bitter remedies that deliver the greatest medicinal value. In short, no more softening the full impact of truth from those who wish to wallow in billowing pink and purple clouds of illusion, who gobble up feel-good propaganda designed to keep them obedient and servile to a few hundred oligarchs, and the corporations, governments, ‘charitable’ foundations and non-governmental organizations they control directly or indirectly.
This blog article was motivated, on this U.S. Memorial Day [25 May 2020], by the following article in the New York Times.
<<With scarce protective gear and a shortage of staff, the facility’s administrators combined wards of infected and uninfected men, and the virus spread quickly through a fragile population.
Of the 210 veterans who were living in the facility in late March, 89 are now dead, 74 having tested positive for the virus. Almost three-quarters of the veterans inside were infected. It is one of the highest death tolls of any end-of-life facility in the country.>>
(From: They Survived the Worst Battles of World War II.
And Died of the Virus)
COVID-19 is just as much a psychosocial disease as it is an external pathogen, of unclear origin, invading a person’s body. What populations has the COVID-19 virus hit hardest? All those who have been denied proper care — in the long and short term, in whatever form they have needed it — by an inhumane social order. In modern times, the problem has never lain in a scarcity of material resources, but rather in how they have been inequitably distributed.
To what degree are we to hold accountable oligarchs with stone-cold hearts and narrowly-focused minds, those who greedily devour the fruits of human (and now also robotic) labor and natural resources at an unsustainable rate for their own selfish purposes? Second, to what degree are we to hold accountable leaders found everywhere today in the cultural, political and economic spheres who do their bidding?
Another New York Times article was published today, “Wealthiest Hospitals Got Billions in Bailout for Struggling Health Providers“, with the subtitle: “Twenty large chains received more than $5 billion in federal grants even while sitting on more than $100 billion in cash.” This is but another example of government run by billionaires and large corporations plundering the treasury to further enrich and empower themselves, while seriously undermining the health and well-being of the nation’s citizens and of the whole interrelated and interdependent intricate web of Life..
Third, to what degree are the psychosocial disease and ill-being related to this pandemic the cumulative result of the daily thoughts, feelings, speech and actions of the masses of people governed by corporations and governments? To what degree is it the creative product of billions too selfish and self-absorbed with their little wants and peeves to give a second thought to the larger society and biosphere of which they form a part? This largely excludes those people, however, who have little freedom to exercise choice, whose lives are governed by iron necessity, they who live in great want, lack healthcare and educational opportunity, and expend all their time and energy to simply survive another day.
It is true we are all responsible to varying degrees. However, some wealthy and powerful individuals, corporations, governments, ‘charitable’ foundations, and non-governmental organizations have contributed substantially more, qualitatively and quantitatively, to the social and environmental evils that plague us. They have also the greatest interest in maintaining the status quo, no matter how unholy and unhealthy, and they staunchly resist real reforms designed to address social ills and environmental crises.
Thoughts and words have creative power. There are individual psychonoetical thought-forms (also known as elementals), but there are also those created by families, localities, institutions and nations. How well are these thought-forms serving the spiritual, psychological and physical health and well-being of humanity and of the natural world today? And what kind of social and natural environment are they preparing for future generations to experience.
Truths about Reality in its spiritual and material dimensions are still being ignored or ridiculed, while the materialistic worldview dominates human thinking and people’s hopes for a better future are kept exclusively focused on technological solutions.
If we are to succeed, it will require investigation of spiritual as well as material Reality, an expansion of materialistic natural science to include what can be termed spiritual science. In this way, we can develop a truly scientific approach to the Cosmos, Humanity and the Earth.
We have to embrace real change in order to survive the severe challenges that continue to grow in breadth and scope as a result of our limiting beliefs, dishonesty and collective inaction.
Once greater wisdom and compassion are guiding our way forward, it will still take conscious, dedicated work on ourselves, in our immediate social spheres, and in the larger communities of which we each form a part to heal and transform our world.
And one day, perhaps, we will advance so far as to create a thriving civilization with peace, prosperity, joy and beauty in abundance.
Are we up to the challenge? Everything depends on our will-to-good.
May abundant opportunities to deepen your wisdom and acquire true knowledge be yours,
Joseph Michael Contrada
Educator and Healer
Heilpraktiker (Lic. German Medical and Psychotherapy Provider)
Medical Philosopher and Journalist
P.S. Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis’ evening peace practice is simple, yet potentially powerful, if performed with mindfulness and imaginative power. Its active power for Good is increased by the dedicated world group working with it over decades. You might want to join together with them to strengthen and vitalize benevolent thought-forms, the seeds for future good on Earth.
First posted 25 May 2020; updated 25 October 2022