Heilpraxis Contrada | Healing Arts Contrada

SARS-CoV-2 as an Individual and Social Challenge

SARS-CoV-2 presents individuals and societies with an unprecedented challenge. In the current atmosphere, the precious freedoms of thought, speech and assembly are imperiled. They were hard-won and need to be defended against those who would seek to weaken or abolish them in various societies, where they still exist, around the world.

Multibillionaire oligarchs, transnational corporate behemoths, social media leviathans, international charities of questionable motives, and national governments are putting policies and laws into effect that curtail the freedom of the individual to make informed choice.

Your ability to access (reasonably) objective facts, based on honest research and unbiased interpretation, is disappearing. Without objective and trustworthy sources, how can you make sound decisions in line with Reality?  

In this century, the first attack was in the wake of September 11th, 2001. The second was arguably related to the financial crisis of 2008. And the third has been in this time of SARS-CoV-2. Have all the time, energy and money put into fighting the “War on Terrorism”, and now the “War on SARS-CoV-2”, improved people’s quality of life? Has it served to enrich and empower a few at the expense of billions of people and the living beings making up natural world? Do some research if you are still in doubt.

How many tens of millions have died, how many millions of homes and communities have been destroyed, how many people have lost their livelihoods worldwide in the last 20 years since 9/11 and the beginning of the “War on Terror”? And how many more have done so in the last year in the time of SARS-CoV-2? And this tragic trajectory will continue — if we fail to deepen and broaden our understanding and to act decisively in line with our practical possibilities.

There are very clear cultural, political and economic dimensions to these developments that require research and analysis. Some individuals and institutions have been asking the right questions and providing clear answers in the last 20 years. You might have already sought them out in order to clarify your own thinking about issues vital to your health and well-being. With escalating censorship of public and commercial media, it is becoming increasingly hard to find and access these.

Everything that contradicts the official narratives is classified by “fact checkers” as “fake news”. Who creates the official narratives and what are their motives? Are they truly serving the public good or are they serving avaricious economic powers and selfish political agendas?

Today we have a technological civilization with national security states equipped with increasingly sophisticated and intrusive surveillance powers. This is not an ominous reality for some future date, as so many so often state who do not want to shake people awake too forcefully. It is now. This is not conspiracy theory. This is not communism, socialism, capitalism, or any other –ism. It is objective fact.

If we are too lazy to take responsibility for our lives, including the duty to inform ourselves about the most important issues of our day, we are clueless, disengaged and invite unscrupulous people to manipulate and control us. As a result, many find themselves sick, depressed, confused and financially strapped.

When we take our lives in hand and actively participate in the life of the community and of the natural world, we become dynamic agents who impact the world we share. We can serve the Good effectively if we embrace ideas grounded in spiritual and physical reality. We can then use our faculties of thought, feeling and will to create effective solutions for our individual and collective problems.

How can you exercise your divinely-bestowed freedom?

Know yourself. Know your society with its cultural, political and economic institutions. Know the biosphere in which we live, move and have our beings. And out of this knowledge make your individual decisions in freedom, including your healthcare choices.

If we as individuals so chose, we can become consciously involved in a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and lifelong process of growth and development as evolving human beings. We will find our joie-de-vivre expanding with each inner weakness and outer obstacle overcome on the path to victory.

We at the Heilpraxis Contrada

offer medical consultations, spiritual healing, energy therapies, and coaching to people who are striving to create healthier, saner and more fulfilling futures.

We speak fluent English and German, some French and Spanish, and serve patients and students worldwide.

To your spiritual, psychological and physical health and well-being!

Joseph Michael Contrada

Educator, Healer, Lic. German Heilpraktiker

English Website: www.heilpraxis-contrada.com

Deutsche Website: www.deutsch.heilpraxis-contrada.com

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