But Does It Really Have to Be This Way?

“Each individual must set aside his preferences for one direction or another and endeavor to accept things without any prejudice. It is impossible to say certain things without making one person or another feel uncomfortable. There are plenty of people today who regard it as a sin to even hint at certain facts, because they … Continue reading But Does It Really Have to Be This Way?

Food and Health Sovereignty

"The nutritional, lifestyle and spiritual practice decisions each person makes on a daily basis, as well as their healthcare choices, either promote or hinder their growth and development as healthy, happy human beings." -- Joseph Michael Contrada It is crucial to our survival and our quality of life for people today to deeply ponder fundamental … Continue reading Food and Health Sovereignty

21st Century Medicine Must Deepen and Expand Its Scope

Today's mainstream medicine continues to work with limited understanding and healing methods that will have to be transcended if true progress is to be made in the education and healing of human individuals. Twenty-first century medicine must expand its worldview to encompass the whole human being (spirit, soul and body) and her or his whole … Continue reading 21st Century Medicine Must Deepen and Expand Its Scope

Spagyrics: Western Alchemical Medicine 1

"Therefore, learn Alchimiam, otherwise known as Spagyria, which teaches you to separate the false from the true." -- Paracelsus Esoteric medical teaching and alchemical medicines have existed for thousands of years in the East and the West. The alchemical tradition of the West had its origins in the hermeticism of Egypt, whose secrets, taught in … Continue reading Spagyrics: Western Alchemical Medicine 1