Heilpraxis Contrada | Healing Arts Contrada

The Road to True Health and Happiness



Please ask yourself, can people achieve true health and happiness, especially in the long-term, if they do not think, feel, speak, and act in ways that honor their whole person with its spiritual, soul, and body aspects in their daily lives?

As the present crisis deepens, it is my duty to speak more plainly about what I have long been cognizant of but have often given out in smaller doses in order not to overwhelm some people. Some of you are already aware of these facts and have already brought your lives into alignment with your deeper human purpose and your understanding of social responsibility. At least to an increasing extent. I ask others to approach any unfamiliar ideas with an open mind.

I recently came upon an article on Dr. Mercola’s website, “How the Oil Industry Conquered Medicine, Finance and Agriculture” (published 16 January 2016), which strips away any remaining illusions a person might have about Western-style capitalist democracy at the beginning of 2018. Whatever healthy aspects this system might have had were successfully undermined in the course of the 20th century.

Our society is now totally dominated by global oligarchs who, in the new century, use vast sums of money to own every large, powerful financial, industrial, cultural, and governmental institution. Remember the Oxford International Report from January 2017 in which it is estimated that eight people own half the world’s wealth. Currently in the United States, three billionaires — Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Jeff Bezos — were reported to own half the country’s wealth by Forbes in November 2017.

The great majority of people are kept quiet and submissive with drugs, drugs, drugs – prescription drugs, state-censored drugs, mass media news and entertainment, including much of the self-help industry — to deaden the psychological and physical pain of struggling to survive in a hellish society. Many, many people have lost a deeper sense of purpose and wander aimlessly through life, following one distraction after another, with the present one doomed to turn out, in the end, to be just as unfulfilling as the last.

How can you not only survive but also thrive in such a social environment?

The first step is to unplug. As you do, replace what you are leaving behind with greater good.

Unplug from often contaminated bottled water in plastic containers and drink tap water run through a good quality filtration in reusable glass ones.

Unplug from ‘conventional’ processed and fast ‘foods’ with their chemically-drenched genetically-modified (GMO) contents. Grow, purchase and prepare organic foods, even better biodynamic.

Unplug your microwave oven, which changes not only the chemical composition but also destroys the vital energy (prana, qi/chi, ki) of foods and drinks you zap with it. I have this on the authority of my own intuition. In my experience, it has also been corroborated by a trained chemist and Heilpraktiker who teaches Ayurvedic medicine and a trained physician’s assistant and Heilpraktiker who teaches traditional Chinese medicine. You will also find numerous contributions from scientists and doctors online which further support this advice.

Unplug from sedentary indoor consumption of news and entertainment to go for regular walks in what remains of the natural world. Turn your cell phone off and imbibe quiet, beauty and healthy prana|qi/chi|ki amidst the beings of nature. Your appreciation and gratitude provides them with nourishment, as well.

Unplug from synthetic drugs pushed by the pharmaceutical industry, whether over-the-counter or prescribed, except where this would pose a real threat to your health and well-being. Embrace healthy lifestyle changes and natural medicines (for example, nutritional, herbal, spagyric, homeopathic, anthroposophic).

In unplugging from unhealthy influences, you will become healthier and happier. You will stop feeding the monsters terrorizing humanity and the other lives with whom we share this planet.  Do this to whatever degree is possible, given your current state of health and financial circumstances. Do this in steps, each one taken leading to greater control over your life and towards Freedom.

Karma and reincarnation are facts of existence. Their reality has been taught in the East and the West over thousands of years, whatever the discrepancies among the various cultural traditions. Past karma influences our current state of health and well-being. Our thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds in the present are creating our future karma. So strive to cultivate constructive thoughts and positive feelings; express your creative will with beautiful, precise words and warm, compassionate deeds.

You will need to look out not only for yourself, but for others as well, since interrelation and interdependence are irrefutable facts of existence. Therefore, embrace “I am my brother’s and sister’s keeper” in the conduct of your daily life. Support in whatever way you can initiatives that promote health and well-being for everyone, including the lives making up the natural world.

Finally, practice prayer and meditation to contact your greater identity who exists above and beyond your limited self-image. This higher aspect of yourself, your individual source of true wisdom and moral strength, will help you, the incarnated human being, navigate through the illusions and temptations that seek to rob you of your time, vitality, money, integrity and power to be self-determining.

There are higher beings, sometimes called the Spiritual Hierarchies or the orders of angels, with whom we can cooperate, who work for our good and that of all planetary lives. In seeking to live and work in harmony with them, our lives are filled with a deepened sense of purpose and we understand our larger significance in the Divine Plan.

It is a new year with new possibilities!

SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY — to improve the quality of your life, that of your loved ones and of our contemporaries.

May your life be blessed with Divine Love and Light in 2018!

Joseph Michael Contrada
Heilpraktiker (Lic. German Medical Provider),
Spiritual Healer and Mentor




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