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Triphala, Ayurvedic Herbal Formulation


Triphala is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal formulation that consists of three fruits native to the Indian subcontinent: Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica) and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula).

Triphala supports the proper functions of the digestive, circulatory, respiratory, and genito-urinary systems. 

Triphala has been prescribed for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medical practice and is today the most widely prescribed Ayurvedic medicine worldwide.

Triphala is most often recommended in powder form, to be taken with hot water. If one has taste issues, tablets and capsules are available. The powder is more effective, however.

Triphala for Digestive Health

Chronic digestive system disorders have taken on alarming proportions.  For example, 60 to 70 million people in the United States are affected by digestive diseases according to the National Institutes of Health in 2009. Why?

In The Tao of Detox, Daniel Reid writes:

“Modern Western lifestyle, particularly the highly touted ‘American way of life’, has spread like an oil slick across the sea of humanity, smothering traditional ways of life that once kept the human body in a relatively healthy state of balance. Fast food and junk food, preservatives and additives, chemically contaminated air and water, mad-dash lifestyles and indiscriminate use of drugs, both medical and recreational, have all contributed to the overall degradation of human health and the relentless pollution of the human body.”

Add to this mixture, deteriorating soil quality and the prevalence of GMOs in ‘conventional’ foods as further threats to people’s digestive and general health.

Since the body’s organ systems are interrelated and interdependent, when the digestive system is not functioning well, it affects the health of the other organ systems and of the whole body.

How many people are regularly taking prescription and over-the-counter medicines for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Celiac Disease, and Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome? How many people are regularly taking laxatives?

Triphala might be an effective natural alternative since it gently cleanses and detoxifies the entire gastro-intestinal tract. It also nourishes and fortifies the cells and tissues of our digestive system, further improving our ability to metabolize and assimilate food.

Triphala Can Benefit Almost Everyone 

Some doctors have no reservations prescribing Triphala to almost everyone for digestive and general health. I share the view of many who believe that Triphala should not be taken by women who are pregnant or nursing. It is always better to err on the side of caution. Further, anyone with a serious medical condition and/or taking powerful pharmaceutical medications should consult their primary healthcare provider before taking Triphala.

Triphala Can Benefit All Constitutional Types

Modern Western medicine has lost sight of the importance of a person’s constitution in proper diagnosis and treatment. We each have a basic constitution according to the traditional European, Indian, Tibetan, and Chinese medical traditions.

In the Ayurvedic tradition, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are the three doshas (fundamental principles) making up a person’s constitution. All three doshas exist in each of us, but in varying proportions. Usually an individual has a major and a minor dosha predominating. Rarer are those with one dosha very strong with the other two doshas barely perceptible. Equally rare are tridoshic people who have all three doshas active in almost equal proportion.

Our constitutions are built up from the elements according to the traditional European, Indian, Tibetan, and Chinese medical traditions.

According to Ayurvedic medicine, the ether and air elements predominate in the Vata constitution, the fire element predominates in the Pitta constitution, and the earth and water elements predominate in the Kapha constitution.

When these doshas and elements are in balance, we experience good health. When they are out of balance, we experience discomfort and disease.

The three fruits brought together in the Triphala formulation have their individual effects, as well as a synergistic effect, which serve to balance the doshas in a person’s constitution in order to restore and preserve good health:

Amalaki           for Pitta                      

Bibhitaki         for Kapha

Haritaki           for Vata

What is Your Ayurvedic Constitution?

There are a number of online resources to get a general idea of your make-up, the presence of the different doshas in your constitution. One example is Banyan Botanical’s “Create Your Ayurvedic Profile”. A qualified Ayurvedic health practitioner, however, will be able to provide a more accurate and detailed analysis of your constitution, which is important for accurate diagnosis and treatment, especially in cases of long-standing chronic conditions and serious acute health crises.


Triphala is a cornerstone of gastrointestinal and rejuvenative treatment in traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda).

This safe, cost-effective Ayurvedic medicine can benefit people everywhere, no matter what their gender, ethnic background, or age. However, woman who are pregnant or nursing and anyone with a serious medical condition or taking powerful pharmaceutical medications should consult their primary healthcare providers before taking Triphala.

You might want to add Triphala to your daily regimen to discover for yourself its positive effect on your health and well-being.

Finally, remember to drink filtered tap water and eat organic and biodynamic foods to restore and maintain good digestive and general health.

To your health and spiritual growth,

Joseph Michael Contrada


“Triphala Tablets | Ayurveda’s Most Popular Digestive Formula”, Banyan Botanicals video

“Intro to Triphala – Ayurveda Herbal Detox with Dr. Carrie Demers”, Yoga International video

Triphala Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Triphala Dosage, Churna + Guggul”, Suhas Kshirsagar, BAMS & Manisha Kshirsagar, BAMS

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